Amber Benefits

Besoo Jewelry • December 23, 2022

What is amber benefits

Nature's Healing Gem

Amber is not just a beautiful gemstone; it is renowned for its numerous benefits that have been appreciated for centuries. Here are some of the key advantages that make amber a sought-after choice for both wellness and elegance.


Pain Relief & Anti-Inflammatory Properties

One of the most notable benefits of amber lies in its ability to reduce pain and inflammation. This natural healing power is attributed to succinic acid, a compound found in amber. When amber is worn close to the body, it naturally warms up, allowing the succinic acid to be released. This process not only alleviates pain and tenderness, especially during teething in babies, but also provides a soothing effect on general aches and discomfort.


Anxiety Relief

Beyond physical benefits, amber is also known for its capacity to alleviate anxiety. It can help reduce feelings of anxiety stemming from various sources, promoting a sense of calm and boosting self-confidence. The warm energy of amber acts as a comforting presence, making it a great companion for those navigating stressful situations.


Thyroid Support

The anti-inflammatory properties of succinic acid can also benefit the thyroid. By helping to reduce inflammation, amber may calm both overactive and underactive thyroid conditions. Additionally, if you experience throat discomfort, the inflammation- and pain-reducing qualities of amber can offer relief.

Enhanced Healing

Amber's origins as a healing resin for trees extend to its capacity to assist in human recovery as well. Wearing amber near an injury or wound may promote faster healing. The succinic acid in amber acts as a natural antibiotic, supporting the healing process while helping to prevent infection. This unique quality allows your body to restore cells and repair itself through its innate processes.

At Besoo Jewelry, we are proud to offer a wide selection of natural amber jewelry, crafted exclusively from high-quality amber. Our collections include pure amber pieces as well as beautiful combinations of amber with gold and silver, suitable for all ages. Experience the elegance and healing properties of amber through our stunning jewelry and embrace the benefits of this natural gem.

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